Academic networks in the research training Program within the Pedagogy Postgraduate at UNAM


  • Carlos Antonio Aguilar Herrera Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Academic networks, training for research, Postgraduate in Pedagogy.


Educational research implies an agreement to the search and generation of knowledge, in order to achieve some impact on society, in the field of our competence and in other socio-professional scopes. In the last decades, educational research has generated various strategies for development and promotion in its practice; for example, the new forms of organization created, as the so-designate academic networks that promote other ways of producing, disseminating and applying knowledge; for example, the new forms of organization created, among these, so-designate academic networks that promote other ways of producing, disseminating and applying knowledge; they are made up of specialists, researchers and scholars of the topics of various disciplines. In this sense, the objective of the present work is to analyze the process of training for research through the academic networks of the Posgrado en Pedagogia of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, from the testimonies and practices of its actors, to build a  theoretical-methodological reference that contributes to the state of knowledge on the subject-matter.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Herrera, C. A. (2022). Academic networks in the research training Program within the Pedagogy Postgraduate at UNAM. Revista Digital De Posgrado, (6), 22–36.




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